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May 31, 2012
Sun Shine

A Very simple tag, with no scraps only colors.
Written By LadyDragus
This tutorial  was written by me, for you on May 31, 2012
I am using a wonderful forum mask from Spawn here Forum Set Templates  
he has great ones to play with I'm using SpawnFSM48
I'm using SlashHmkBold (again) i love this font

The tube i'm using is from Andy LLoyd from AIL You have to have a License to use his work..

The tube i'm using has a close up in it, and you'll want one to follow this tutorial. 
600x300 image
Take a color from the tube i'm using the gold from her tank top, and flood fill the back layer of the tag. 
Add noise of 40% to the layer. 
Copy paste the close up, push it to the far left  then mirror that image and make it look like they are touching in the middle.
Merge the two layers you can merge down one layer.
Now make sure you put the mask in your mask folder, then you will apply this to the layer with the two closeup's on it add a drop shadow to the layer after you merge group(mask layer)

I took the full layer tube and pasted it as a new layer and centered it in the tag
Using the Heart's provieded here I made these out of pre-set shapes... 
Place this behind the full size tube 
You can add a border over the whole tag or use the Frame i'm providing, it will copy and paste as a new layer.

Add your name and the artist copyright to the tag and save your tag then your done.. 
The color of the font background is the same as the background for the tag

And this tag is made for one of my best buds.. Linda
I'd love to see any tags you make using this tut.. 


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Thank you for reading my tutorials and snagging my snags. I design under House of Dragus Graphics by LadyDragus

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