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Jul 1, 2012

This tutorial was written by Me on June 30, 2012
Any resemblence to someone's else's is not intended
This is written in hoped you have a working knowledge of PSP
It was written in PSP 9 and should work in any version
I'm using the scrap kit Steel Blue by Coyoties 
You can purchase it here Coyotie Designs
And the wonderful art work of Michael Miles 
You can buy his art work at AIL also
I'm using the font Adorable 
You have to have a License to use his work, so don't' use it unless you buy it !!!
Open a 600x300 tag
using the background I made for the tag

flood fill the back of your tag, Add Noise of 34% to the flood fill
Now open your tube's of choice
One with a head shot and a full body shot works best.
I used a transparency of 60% on this part of the tag
Copy and paste the headshot of your tube, pull it to the right of the tag
Open cds_cbs_Flowercharm re-size it by 65% paste as a new layer
then pull it almost over the head shot but not quite over the hair
I used a transparency of 60% of this part of the tag(tube)
Now copy the full body tube , mirror it and push it to the 
far left hand side of the tag

Open cds_cbs_fan re-seize by 50% paste it and
 rotate it by 45degrees and pull it the left hand side
and paste it behind the full body shot
sharpen the re-sized version
Add a new layer over all of the other layers, and using your buttonize
Like below
Add your watermark along with the copyright of the artist
then our done to add extra's words or tag names
When adding your name i used a gradient glow of blue,
 off the chair in her tube and a default drop shadow


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Thank you for reading my tutorials and snagging my snags. I design under House of Dragus Graphics by LadyDragus

Stores I Sell At

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