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Sofia’s Christmas
This tutorial is written in Corel 2023, but any version should work, this is written in hopes you have working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro or other graphics program… this is written by me, never meant to copy or look like your work…
I am working with a PTU kit
By Enchanted Scraps
Called Sofia
This is an exclusive to
Here Sofia Match Kit
I am using the matching tube
By Eenniizzie
The tube is called Sofia I am using the extended version of the tube
Open a750x750
** I am using the pink layers of the tube, that does match the kit, i’m using the brown hair, so it’s just a bit different then the kit preview,
Frame 2 c/pn size this down by 59%
101 c/p size this down by 85% pull to the top of the frame
15 c/p size this down by 11% pull to the left of pink ribbon, take a 2nd copy of this mirror and pull to sit on the right side of the pink ribbon
32 c/p size this down by 81% paste this then duplicate this paste mirror then pull it so it makes the snow look “deeper” on the frame
31 pull between the snow, size it down by 51% pull to the left side of your tag
Take the colorized version of the tube we are using paste her as a new layer then size her down by 15% pull to the right edge of the tag (she will be between the two layers of snow)
38 c/p size this down by 43% pull to the left side of the white tree
10 c/p size this down by 28% pull to the middle of your tag
Click on top most layer of your tag
68 c/p size this down by 30% pull to the left in front of the white tree
62 c/p size this down by 53% pull to the bottom edge of the brown branches
16 c/p size this down by 15% pull to sit on the right edge of the melted snowman
94 c/p size this down by 20% pull to sit on left of brown branches
105 c/p mirror size this down by 25% pull to sit on the right side of the tag
114 c/p size this down by 15% pull to the far right edge of the tag
96 c/p size this down by 20% pull to sit on the left of snowman in the cup
13 c/p size this down by 15% pull to sit on the far right side of the tag
34 c/p mirror size this down by 20% pull to sit on the top left side of the frame
6 c/p size this down by 20% pull to sit on the right side by hot cocoa
23 c/p mirror size this down by 18% pull to sit on right edge of the gnome on the ornaments
Click on the bottom layer of your tag
Open paper 9 draw a square behind your frame, make sure you up to a raster,
Click on the top most layer of the tag add your copyright and credit to the kit maker, add a saying to the tag and you’re done.. .
Thank you for reading my tutorial
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Thanks so much!! Great tutorial and tags xoxo
ReplyDeletethank you