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Jun 15, 2012

Here are some snag's Useing the lovely work of Tatyana Haustova
You need a lic to use her work ..
 You can buy it AIL
I'm using a kit from Gina's Gems called Emolicious Treats Add on
You can download at her blog here Emolicious Treats addon
You would need to open a 600x600 tag background
using the frame I made for this tut 
Here is the frame. I made it with the chrome setting in Eye Candy4000 Chrome.

Copy and paste your tube and then re-size it  by 70% .
(Your tube may be a different size, so re-size it as you see fit)
Pull the tube to the right hand side of the frame
Open GGS-Emo Bunny and re-size it by 40% move it in front of the tube.
Open GGS-Swirly Candy re-size it by 55% copy and paste it over your tube, behind the bunny, Copy it again and paste it over the other
Open GGS-KnottedBow* and re-color it to a light purple, Re-size it by 55% and paste it over the frame pull it to the left hand of the frame where part of it is behind your tube
Open GGS-SKull Chain re-size it by 65% copy and paste it over all layers, and pull it to the far right side of the frame
Now go to your bottom layer and open GGS-Paper4 flood fill and by using a mask
I'm using a Rebel-Dezings mask 11 I downloaded it from her forum, and I don't know if it is offered anywhere else. (if you know where plz tell me)
Open up GGS-Emo Colo and re-size it by 25% it will make it small.. Pull it over the left hand side above the candy pieces.
I'm using SlashHmKBold (my favorite font LOL)
Using the green from the Skull chain use it as your foreground color of the words 
and using the purple from the tube as the background
This will work if your tube is purple.. 

Add your tube copyright, and what ever name you want to use. 

I also made a tag for Gina since it's her kit i'm using

I wrote this tut on June 15, 2012
Any resemblance to another tut is not meant to offend
Thank you for Looking.. 
I'd love to see any tag's you make off my tut


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Thank you for reading my tutorials and snagging my snags. I design under House of Dragus Graphics by LadyDragus

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